Coral Capital Partners looks at an SEC Enforcement action against a group of individuals who operated a fictitious company that claimed ties to a legitimate major financial corporation. We also take a look at how investors could have easily discovered this, and avoided their losses.
Category: Due Diligence
Blog articles and articles written for various other publications written by Coral Capital Partners on the topic of due diligence. In our blog on due diligence we look at lessons learned from various projects and clients, as well as enforcement actions taken by the SEC and how obtaining basic due diligence on a company could have averted many problems. With the recent regulatory changes proper due diligence has taken on greater importance than ever.
SEC Action Against Rogue Stock Transfer Agent
Coral Capital Partners looks at a recent SEC Litigation Release concerning the activities of a stock transfer who fraudulently issued itself shares in its client companies. Stock transfer agents operate at what we feel is a key point in the securities markets. As a result we are gate keepers who are in a position to help prevent and stop securities fraud. We believe that it is especially heinous when they commit fraud. We feel that our blog on this topic, along with the associated SEC Litigation Release and Complaint will be an interesting read.
A Look at the Penalties for Broker/Dealer Failure to Obtain Due Diligence Under FINRA 10-22
FINRA Regulatory Notice 10-22 requires broker/dealers to conduct or obtain reasonable due diligence on companies whose securities they sell in private placement transactions through the Regulation D exemption. Coral Capital Partners looks at the penalties FINRA recently imposed upon broker/dealers and registered individuals for their failure to conduct reasonable due diligence in accordance with FINRA Regulatory Notice 10-22 on companies for which they are raising funds through a private placement offering.