Coral Capital Partners discusses the importance of a proper financial model, the financial statements that need to be included and the expectations of potential investors. Far too often a financial model and business plan are two (2) items that easily overlooked or dismissed by business owners or management. Coral Capital Partners believes that a financial model and a business plan are two (2) critical items that every business needs.
Author: coralcapital
Erik Nelson is the co-founder and President of Coral Capital Partners, Inc. an Atlanta based consulting and advisory services firm. Coral Capital Partners was founded in 1995 and has been providing consulting services to both privately held and publicly traded companies since its inception. Mr. Nelson has served as an officer and director of numerous publicly traded companies in various capacities as part of the services provided by Coral Capital Partners to its clients. Mr. Nelson is a graduate of the University of Colorado.
Market Manipulation and “Noneconomical Trading”
Coral Capital Partners looks at a SEC Enforcement Action for market manipulation and non-economical trading. This is an extremely interesting look at the manipulation of the public market for a micro-cap company’s common stock, how it was accomplished, and the penalties imposed. We also look at the SEC ‘s definition of these types of market manipulation and where they run afoul of the Exchange Act of 1934. This blog and the associated SEC Litigation Release and Complaint filed in Federal Court provide a very interesting read.
A Few Thoughts on a Proper Business Plan
Coral Capital Partners discusses the importance of a proper business plan, its uses and benefits. A well written business pan is a key and vital document that all businesses should have. It should show where your business is at, how it got there, and where it is going; and very importantly how it is going to get there. It needs to be comprehensive in its explanation of the business, answer the questions investors may have, and explain the risks a business is facing. At the end of the day it should give investors a level of comfort that will allow them to feel comfortable making an investment.